Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Mrs. Ivory

I got married on August 10th and married life has been amazing. I have really enjoyed starting my home with my husband and our 4 year old daughter. Our home has finally started to feel and look more like a home.

One of the things I have really enjoyed cooking and keeping up with the house. I am creating this blog to kind of keep a log of what I am cooking each night and how everything turns out. I am making this only because last night I made what looked like delicious pizza but when my husband went to cut the pizza it was stuck to the pizza stone. I HAVE made pizza before but the stone had not ever been used before and I forgot to put some cooking oil on the stone so that the pizza would not stick. Therefore I failed at a simple pizza.

I have been able to cook and have dinner ready when my husband has gotten home because I go to school in the evenings and I am home all day. I have really enjoyed cooking and in a way being able to provide for my husband. 

My goal is to at least every couple of meals or when a meal goes really good or really bad, to post about it.

Mrs. Ivory